Prisijunkite prie „Nacionalinio judumo iššūkio“! 

Kiekvienas žingsnis yra svarbus!

Prisijunkite prie „Nacionalinio judumo iššūkio“! „Miestų“ iššūkyje jūsų laukia Visagino miesto komanda! Drauge mes galime pasiekti daugiau ir skatinti aktyvesnį gyvenimo būdą.

Welcome to Visaginas

Visaginas is

Visaginas has long been Lithuania's most important nuclear power city, harmoniously woven into pine forests and surrounded by lakes, but always alive with the hustle and bustle of a city.

Visagino atominė elektrinė Paveikslas
Get to meet Visaginas people

National communities in Visaginas

Historically, more than 40 nationalities have lived in Visaginas since the founding of the city until now. We invite you to get acquainted with three of them: Ukrainian, Tatar and Russian communities.

The most interesting objects at the moment